Seniors Wellness Programs
Senior Needs:
Designed to provide information services and to assist seniors and their families in accessing provincial and federal seniors’ programs.
This includes all income-related programs such as:
Old Age Security, Canada Pension Plan
Spousal Allowance
Widowed Spousal Allowance
Guaranteed Income Supplement
AB Seniors Benefits
AB Special Needs
Optical, Dental and Education Tax Rebate Programs.
Call 780-753-2280 to make an appointment.
Income Tax Clinics:
Income Tax completion for non-taxable seniors only and AISH clients. Offered in Provost and Hughenden. Done annually in March. Call for dates and times. 780-753-2280.
Focus on Seniors:
Combines information on topics of interest to seniors with a social outing. Come and join us for refreshments and listen to informative presentations on topics such as: home safety, exercise, medication awareness, nutrition, Living Wills, Power of Attorney, and more!
Transportation will be provided by the Handi-Van and is available upon request. Call FCSS to make arrangements.
All Seniors are invited to attend.
For more information contact Provost & District FCSS at 780-753-2280.
Healthy Steps-Healthy Minds:
This program runs every Monday & Wednesday from 9:30-11:30 am, September through April at Crescent Point Place. Come join us for a few laps around the track, learn how to use walking polls, socializing and gain knowledge on selected topics. Walking assistance is available, if needed. Call Pam to make arrangements 780 753-2280.
Meals on Wheels:
Healthy frozen “meals on wheels” is provided by Edmonton Meals on Wheels https://mealsonwheelsedmonton.org/ .
Orders are placed once a month with our FCSS office.
$6.00 shipping fee is added to all orders to cover the freight cost.
Call 780 753-2280 for information, menu, order dates or to place an order.
Home Support Programs
Offers assistance to seniors, new mothers, persons who are disabled, have had surgery or have ongoing health problems. Services are available to all residents who qualify (both rural and urban) throughout the MD of Provost No. 52.
Referrals to the Home Support Program can be made by your physician, a home care nurse, or any other professional agency. A doctor’s note may be requested. All staff are screened and sign an Oath of Confidentiality.
Home Support Aides are qualified to do light housekeeping (dusting vacuuming, wash floors, laundry, etc.) and/or seasonal cleaning (walls, windows).
Hourly rates are $17.50 for regular cleaning and $19.50 for seasonal, with a minimum of 1.5 hours of cleaning per visit.
We can also contact other Home Support Services in surrounding areas and help to make arrangements for services if you do not live in the Municipal District of Provost.
For more information call 780-753-2280, or if busy call 780-753-2288. Collect calls will be accepted.
PDFCSS Counselling Program
Our program has chosen to partner with Good Life Collective in Wainwright as a subsidized program.
Fees for Counseling for all clients who live within the MD of Provost are as follows:
$50.00 for each individual
$75.00 for each couple or family
Sessions can be in person with Good Life Collective or virtual, your choice.
How it will work is, call the PDFCSS office at 780 753 2288 for a referral to Good Life Collective, we will send the referral and Good Life Collective will call the client to schedule an appointment. Once the client has the session they will pay PDFCSS for their session and PDFCSS will pay Good Life Collective their rate. Payments can be made by etransfer, cash or cheque.
No Show fees will be charged at the regular rate to all clients who fail to show for their appointment and must be paid prior to their next appointment.
Confidentiality is assured. All PDFCSS staff take an Oath of Confidentiality. Information is not given to or shared with anyone without the informed and voluntary consent of the individual. There are legal and professional obligations to report to the appropriate authorities only in cases where individuals are at risk to themselves or others.
Funding provided by Provost & District Family and Community Support Services.

Community Programs
Fight Back
This cancer support group is a place for people who are battling or who have survived cancer to come and share their experiences or get support. This group meets the third Thursdays of the month from 7-9 at the Provost FCSS board room. Confidentiality is mandatory! Call 780 753-2288 for more information or details.
U.N.C. (United Neighborhood Connections)
Facilitates quarterly inter-agency meetings. A forum for community input, discussion, problem-solving, sharing of information, ideas and resources, opportunities for collaborative initiatives.
All interested persons or groups are invited to attend. For more information call FCSS at 780-753-2288.
CLAY (Community Lifestyles and You)
The Community Lifestyles and You (CLAY) committee supports Provost and area in its existing efforts to provide healthy opportunities as well as facilitates new opportunities for community members to engage in health lifestyle choices. For more information or to become part of this coalition call FCSS 780 753-2288
Community Garden